Text Toggle Options

Text Toggle Tip

This example shows the features of the Toggle TextBox button.

Text Toggle TipOne Block:
This works well for headlines. You can enlarge or reduce by adjusting the corner handles.

Text Toggle TipText Wrap:
If you have a paragraph of text, you’ll need to switch to this mode. The text will fill in the size of paragraph you make. Use the center handle to change paragraph size.

Text Toggle TipCircle Shape:
You can make your text conform to the shape of an arc or circle.

Text Alignment Options

Text Alignment Tip

This example shows the features of the Text Alignment button.

You can use this for your text alignment. You have 4 options, align left, right, center and justified.

Align Left Text Tool TipAlign Left
Align Right Text Tool TipAlign Right
Align Center Text Tool Tip Center
Align Justified Text Tool Tip Justified


Line & Letter Spacing Options and
Upper and Lowercase Options

Line-Letter-Case Example

This example shows the features of the Line and Letter Spacing and Lower & Upper Case buttons.

These options are a little harder to find, but nice to fine tune your design.

Extra text options icon Extra Text Options:
First click on your text block and then this icon. It will display the below features.

Line Spacing Icon Line Spacing:
This will adjust the space between your sentences,

Letter Spacing Icon  Letter Spacing:
This will adjust the space between the letters.

Text Case Change Icon Text Case Change:
This will change your text to either upper or lowercase.